One of the major aspects of language is categorization. It is essential for us to organize our thoughts about reality in our minds, since the complexity of evaluating every single thing on its own would be too high. And yet, such simplifications sometimes can also obscure our perceptions of the uniqueness of the analyzed object.
Czytaj dalej Poe and the Southern GothicKategoria: essays
What Was Woodstock?
We are stardust
We are golden
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden (Mitchell 1970)
These words are the chorus of Joni Mitchell’s “Woodstock” song, that “named the generation” (Yaffe 2017: 3), meaning that it managed to capture the spirit of the whole event and what it stood for: Starry-eyed, idealistic young people gathered in the spirit of love and community to listen to music together. A symbol of the hippie generation, an organizational disaster, and a historical monument of humanity and kindness—that event contained all that, and more, in its boundaries. This essay attempts to reconcile these seemingly contradictory approaches by explaining how each one was true in its own right.
Czytaj dalej What Was Woodstock?Jackson Pollock and the Force of Nature
I am nature.
– Jackson Pollock
Jackson Pollock remains one of the most important and influential American painters of all time. Known for his „drip” paintings created in the late 1940s, he caused a significant breakthrough in modern art. His radically new technique and exploration of themes related to American identity established him as a symbol of post-World War II American painting and an icon of abstract expressionism.
Czytaj dalej Jackson Pollock and the Force of Nature